!Revision of program involving a change in the parameter file on this date: 12/18/14 !Title: Boatwright and Seekins (2011) attenuation model) !rho, beta, prtitn, radpat, fs: 2.8 3.7 0.707 0.55 2.0 !spectral shape: source number, pf_a, pd_a, pf_b, pd_b ! where source number means: ! 1 = 1-corner (S = 1/(1+(f/fc)**pf_a)**pd_a) ! 2 = Joyner (BSSA 74, 1167--1188) ! 3 = Atkinson (BSSA 83, 1778--1798; see also Atkinson & Boore, BSSA 85, ! 17--30) ! 4 = Atkinson & Silva (BSSA 87, 97--113) ! 5 = Haddon 1996 (approximate spectra in Fig. 10 of ! Haddon's paper in BSSA 86, 1300--1313; ! see also Atkinson & Boore, BSSA 88, 917--934) ! 6 = AB98-California (Atkinson & Boore BSSA 88, 917--934) ! 7 = Boatwright & Choy (this is the functional form used by ! Boore & Atkinson, BSSA 79, 1736--1761, p. 1761) ! 8 = Joyner (his ENA two-corner model, done for the SSHAC elicitation ! workshop) ! 9 = Atkinson & Silva (BSSA 90, 255--274) ! 10 = Atkinson (2005 model), ! 11 = Generalized multiplicative two-corner model ! (S = [1/(1+(f/fa)**pf_a)**pd_a]*[1/(1+(f/fb)**pf_b)**pd_b]) ! 12 = Generalized additive two-corner model ! (S = (1-eps)/(1+(f/fa)**pf_a)**pd_a] + eps/(1+(f/fb)**pf_b)**pd_b) ! NOTE: if M=4.0 2.410 -0.533 0.0 2.520 -0.637 0.0 ! M< 4.0 2.678 -0.500 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.0 ! Atkinson and Silva (2000) M>=2.4 2.181 -0.496 0.0 0.605 -0.255 0.0 ! M< 2.4 1.431 -0.500 -2.4 0.000 0.000 0.0 275.0 0.0 4.0 6.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ! !finite_fault factor specification: ! iflag_f_ff, nlines, c1, c2, c3, c4, DeltaM (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 if a finite-fault factor is not to be used) ! ! Distance for point-source calculation ! If iflag_f_ff = 1: rps = sqrt(r^2 + f_ff^2)) ! If iflag_f_ff = 2: rps = r + f_ff ! Use rps in the calculations (this variable is called rmod in the code; it should be changed to rps to ! reflect my current preferred terminology. I do not have time to do this now). ! Specification of the finite-fault factor h: ! If nlines = 1 ! log10(f_ff) = c1 + c2*amag ! If nlines = 2 ! log10(f_ff) = c1 + c2*amag for amag=Mh ! where Mh is determined by the intersection of the two lines ! (this is computed in the program) ! If nlines = 3 ! log10(f_ff) = c1 + c2*amag for amag=Mh+DeltaM/2 ! log10(f_ff) given by a cubic in amag between the two lines (this ! produces a smooth transition over the magnitude range DeltaM ! *** NOTE: placeholders are needed for c3, c4, and DeltaM, even if not used. ! ! Published finite-fault factors ! Author applicable_region meaning_of_r iflag_f_ff nlines c1 c2 c3 c4 ! Atkinson and Silva (2000) (AS00) ACR r_rup 1 1 -0.0500 0.1500 0.0 0.0 ! Toro (2002) (T02) SCR r_rup 2 1 -1.0506 0.2606 0.0 0.0 ! Atkinson and Boore (2003) (AB03) subduction r_rup 1 1 -2.1403 0.5070 0.0 0.0 ! Yenier and Atkinson (2014) (YA14) ACR r_rup 1 1 -1.7200 0.4300 0.0 0.0 ! Yenier and Atkinson (2015) (YA15) ACR r_rup 1 1 -0.4050 0.2350 0.0 0.0 ! Boore and Thompson (2015) (BT15) see below ! ! Suggested modification for stable continental regions ! Assuming that all of the above the above relations except Toro (2002) and Atkinson and Boore (2003) ! are for active crustal regions, and that h is proportional to fault radius, then -0.1644 should be ! added to c1 (and c3 for Boore (2014) to adjust for the smaller fault size expected for stable continental region ! earthquakes (this adjustment factor uses radius ~ stress^-1/3, and a stress of 88 bars for ACR (from ! my determination of what stress matches the Atkinson and Silva (2000) high-frequency spectral level-- ! see What_SCF_stress_param_is_consistent_with_the_AS00_source_model.pdf in the daves notes page of ! www.daveboore.com) and 274 bars for SCR, from my inversion of 0.1 s and 0.2 s PSA values for 8 ENA ! earthquakes, using the Boatwright and Seekins (2011) attenuation model. This determination is ! part of ongoing work for the NGA-East project, and will appear in a PEER report in 2015. ! 1 1 -0.0500 0.1500 0.0 0.0 0.0 ! ACR: AS00 ! 1 2 -1.7200 0.4300 -0.405 0.2350 0.0 ! ACR: YA14&YA15, no smoothing ! 1 3 -1.7200 0.4300 -0.405 0.2350 2.0 ! ACR: BT15 (=YA14&YA15, smooth over 2 magnitude units ! 1 1 -1.7200 0.4300 0.0 0.0 0.0 ! ACR: YA14 ! 1 1 -0.4050 0.2350 0.0 0.0 0.0 ! ACR: YA15 ! ! 1 1 -0.2144 0.1500 0.0 0.0 0.0 ! SCR: AS00 ! 1 2 -1.8844 0.4300 -0.5694 0.2350 0.0 ! SCR: YA14&YA15, no smoothing ! 1 3 -1.8844 0.4300 -0.5694 0.2350 2.0 ! SCR: BT15 (=YA14&YA15, smooth over 2 magnitude units) ! 1 1 -1.8844 0.4300 0.0 0.0 0.0 ! SCR: YA14 ! 1 1 -0.5694 0.2350 0.0 0.0 0.0 ! SCR: YA15 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ! No f_ff ! !Geometrical spreading option: ! 0 = use standard hinged line segments ! >0 = frequency-dependent spreading (numbers 1 through 3 were for development purposes; ! they were not intended for general use): ! 1 = Gail Atkinson's November 2011 proposed spreading for eastern North America (ENA), ! with Q=500f^0.5, which must be specified below). ! 2 = Dave Boore's trial spreading #1 for ENA). ! 3 = Gail Atkinson's Sept, 2012 report "nga-e-r12_AttenShape.pdf". For this ! model, Q = 680f^0.33, and this must be specified below. ! 4 = Atkinson, G.M. and D.M. Boore (2014). The attenuation of Fourier amplitudes for rock sites in eastern North America, ! Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 104, 513--528. For this ! model, Q = 525f^0.45, and this must be specified below. 0 !Parameters for the frequency dependent gsprd: ! option 2: ! r1_dmb_gsprd, pgsprd_r_le_r1_lf, pgsprd_r_le_r1_hf, pgsprd_r_gt_r1, ! ft1_dmb_gsprd, ft2_dmb_gsprd ! option 4: ! h4gspread (a nominal value of focal depth; in a later version I will put this into the control files for the SMSIN driver programs): ! (Placeholders are needed, but not used, even if the geometrical spreading option is not 2 or 4) ! 60.0 -1.1 -1.3 -0.5 1.0 3.2 ! for option 2 this corresponds to 1/r^1.1 for f<=1 Hz and 1/r^1.3 for f>=3.2 Hz, ! ! for r< 60 km and 1/r^0.5 for all f beyond 60 km. 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 !gsprd: r_ref, nsegs, (rlow(i), a_s, b_s, m_s(i)) (Usually set ! r_ref = 1.0 km) ! *** NOTE: these lines are needed even if option 1 or greater is chosen above---and ! there must be nsegs lines following the "nseg" specification, even if the ! geometrical spreading is not used because option 1 has been chosen. 1.0 2 1.0 -1.0 0.0 6.5 50.0 -0.5 0.0 6.5 !q: fr1, Qr1, s1, ft1, ft2, fr2, qr2, s2, c_q 1.0 410 0.50 1.0 1.0 1.0 410 0.50 3.5 !source duration: weights of 1/fa, 1/fb ! Previous to 03/25/13, I recommended that the weights for source 1 be 1.0 0.0, and ! for the Atkinson and colleagues 2-corner sources be 0.5 0.0. But since dursource is always computed as w_fa/fa + w_fb/fb, and because ! fb is set equal to fa for source 1, even though fb is not used in spect_shape, using weights of 0.5 and 0.5 ! for source 1 will give the same answer as the previously recommended 1.0 0.0 weights. The advantage ! to using weights of 0.5 0.5 is that they are the same as I am now recommending for the Atkinson and colleagues (and perhaps ! all) 2-corner models, for reasons discussed in the spectral shape, source 12 ! section above. This is not what is used by Atkinson and colleagues; they use 0.5 0.0 for the weights ! (Atkinson and Boore (1995, p. 20) and Atkinson and Silva (2000, p. 259)). 0.5 0.5 !path duration: nknots, (rdur(i), dur(i), slope of last segment) !! Used in AB06: ! 4 ! 0.0 0.0 ! 10.0 0.0 ! 70.0 9.6 ! 130.0 7.8 ! 0.04 ! BT14E (11jul14): 8 0.0 0.0 15.0 2.6 35.0 17.5 50.0 25.1 125.0 25.1 200.0 28.5 392.0 46.0 600.0 69.1 0.111 !crustal amplification, from the source to the site (note that this can include ! local site amplification): namps, (famp(i), amp(i)) !! AB06: ! 5 ! 0.5 1.0 ! 1.0 1.13 ! 2.0 1.22 ! 5.0 1.36 ! 10.0 1.41 ! B14, BJ97, aoi=00 14 1.00E-03 1.000 7.83E-03 1.003 2.33E-02 1.010 4.00E-02 1.017 6.14E-02 1.026 1.08E-01 1.047 2.34E-01 1.069 3.45E-01 1.084 5.08E-01 1.101 1.09E+00 1.135 1.37E+00 1.143 1.69E+00 1.148 1.97E+00 1.150 2.42E+00 1.151 !site diminution parameters: fmax, kappa, dkappadmag, amagkref ! (NOTE: fmax=0.0 or kappa=0.0 => fmax or kappa are not used. I included this ! to prevent the inadvertent use of both fmax and kappa to control the diminution ! of high-frequency motion (it would be very unusual to use both parameters ! together. Also note that if do not want to use kappa, dkappadmag must also ! be set to 0.0). 0.0 0.006 0.0 6.0 !low-cut filter parameters: fcut, nslope (=4, 8, 12, etc) 0.0 8 !rv params: zup, eps_int (integration accuracy), amp_cutoff (for fup), osc_crrctn(0=no correction; ! 1=BJ84;2=LP99; 3=BT Drms/Dex, file 1; 4=BT Drms/Dex, file 2; 5=average of BT file 1 & file 2) 10.0 0.00001 0.001 4 !Names of pars files for Boore-Thompson Drms/Dex oscillator adjustment for RV simulations. ! Note that these adjustments are for a particular rms-to-peak factor. Most recently we use the ! Der Kiureghian (1980) (DK) factor, but the RV program tmrs_loop_rv_drvr writes out the results using ! both the DK factor and the earlier default factor from Cartwright and Longuet-Higgins. The pars files ! are definitely dependent on which rms-to-peak factor was used. I could specify which peak factor ! to use in the RV programs, but for now, I prefer to write out the results using both. ! !NOTE: If no folder is specified, the program will look for the files in ! the folder from which the driver is called). ! !File names are required as placeholders, even if they are not used (e.g., for TD simulations ! or for RV simulations for which osc_crrctn < 3). ! !Name of pars file 1: ! The file below used the Raoof et al. (BSSA 1999, 888-902) attenuation model for WNA: \smsim\bt14_wna_acr_trms4osc.dk_rms2pk.pars !Name of pars file 2: ! The file below used the Boatwright and Seekins (BSSA 2011, 1769-1782; BS11) attenuation model for ENA: \smsim\bt15_ena_scr_trms4osc.dk_rms2pk.bs11atten_c4eq1.pars ! The file below used the Atkinson and Boore (BSSA 2014, 1769-1782; AB14) attenuation model for ENA: ! \smsim\bt14_ena_scr_trms4osc.dk_rms2pk.ab14atten_c4eq1.pars !window params: idxwnd(0=box,1=exp), tapr(<1), eps_w, eta_w, f_tb2te, f_te_xtnd 1 0.05 0.2 0.05 2.12 1.0 !timing stuff: dur_fctr, dt, tshift, seed, nsims, iran_type (0=normal;1=uniform) 1.3 0.001 50.0 123.0 800 0